Can skincare shrink pores?

Skin care products can make pores appear smaller by exfoliating skin or removing dead skin cells and oil from the pores. Pores that are clear of blackheads and blockages will look less obvious.

Can skincare shrink pores?

Skin care products can make pores appear smaller by exfoliating skin or removing dead skin cells and oil from the pores. Pores that are clear of blackheads and blockages will look less obvious. The surface of the skin will also look shinier, smoother and more even. Using a salicylic acid cleanser may help.

Studies show that salicylic acid can unclog pores. Some cleansers that contain salicylic acid are gentle enough to use every day. There are several topics you can use in your skin care arsenal that are the best to minimize pores.

Eliza Allen
Eliza Allen

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